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Wednesday 28 July 2021

SGR GIA Recruitment all letest update in 2021 call letter download@

SGR GIA Recruitment all letest update in 2021 call letter download 

Education,GIA SGR,all information about tat GiaBharti 2021,call letter started now, 

Decision (et et Antisocial Activities - 'Pass' Act to be amended to take action against criminals Chief Minister Shri Vijaybhai Rupani said that a person who can digest the Gujarat Bill as well as a person involved in drug trafficking to further promote the identity of a peaceful, safe and secure state.  At the same time, it has decided to amend the Pasha Act with important handlers, gamblers, prostitutes and other unscrupulous trades. 

To take possession of any property, regardless of the definition of the perpetrator of the decision, the perpetrator of the Gujarat money laundering act, a punishable offender under the Act, the perpetrator of the offense, the perpetrator of the offense, the accomplice, the loan or his maj or his mummy 1 '  Penalty provision also includes the use of physical resources for intentional purpose, or for threatening to do so, or forcing a person to work for such a person.  In order to reduce the number of sexual offenses in the state and to make women more secure, the provisions in the PASA Act have been extended to include various sections of the Indian Penal Code, 120 of the Indian Penal Code, as well as punishable offenses under the Pox Act.  The dice law has a separate inclusion in the sentence of a person who deserves to be punished.  As per the present provision of this Adhishvim, the perpetrators of the offenses mentioned in Indian Dana, Sadhana Chapters 16 and 17 were dealt with in the dreaded category, now in Chapter-3 or 16 (Section-356, 4 (a), 3 (b).  ), ૩૫૪ (c), yield (d), ૩૭૬, ૩૭૬ (a), ૩૭૬ (b), ૩૭૬ (c), ૩૭૬ (d) or સિવાય except (against)  Fifty facets will be possible.  The Chief Minister has set a target of cracking down on anti-social elements and criminals in the state.  The Chief Minister is to present a proposal for these important amendments in the PAMA Act in the next Cabinet with the perception that the police are always on the side of the people.  CM One more firm decision of CM for exiled property holders in Ahmedabad.  Chief Minister Shri Vijaybhai to the Chief Minister Shri Additional Chief Minister on rent or annually, Rupani is the Ahmedabad Secretary Shri M.  That.  Das.  Approximately 116 cases were found in the exiled high-level meeting on the property given with monthly token or open land held in the metropolis for 25 years etc. which is out of construction. 

 Has arrived.  And the Chief Minister of Retail Lands, Shri Vijaybhai Rupani, has raised the issue of ownership rights.  The Chief Minister has taken a sensible decision in the public interest to address the issue of such a wide range of common-class property-shops-retail lands, families, human beings, including the property of the exiles, in the arrow-category property-shops.  Such shops, godowns, retail lands - retail lands are given.  Accordingly, after four and a half decades, the way has been opened for ordinary families to lease approximately 3 long-term property rights without rent and premium, with the monthly token construction following the CM's decision. 

 The Chief Minister will take immediate action in this direction.  Ikho families living in Sindhi also gave instructions in the meeting to carry out as per the rules.  .  Tenants will be given legal long-term ownership rights.  The Chief Minister's Chairperson is Mrs. Bijal Patel, Mayor of Ahmedabad, Mr. Amulbhai K, Chairman of the Standing Committee and Mr. Mukesh Puri, Municipal Commissioner of Ahmedabad and Additional Chief Secretary for Urban Development of the State Government.  Rent 3 annually, monthly token rent without construction and with premium, the player owns about 15 acres of land.  Makha Upant Surat Mehmar, 2020
The Chief Minister has further expanded the scope of the Pasha Act, now extending the scope of Gauvansh and now cyber crime killings and people selling cow meat and alcohol.  Physical violence as well as intimidation, including bootleggers vs. money lenders, as well as levy of interest installments, sexual offenses, sexual offenses can be detained under the provisions of the law. Anti-social activities such as sexual harassment  Criminal activities with 'dice' for strict punishment of offenders are part of the party technology based act.  The determination to adopt the weapon of borrowing has led to an increase in the number of crimes - cyber crime as well as racism.  While the crimes of harassment have also increased, these amendments to the provisions of the "aspect" law have been strong advocates of law and order in curbing crimes in the foundation of building a better Gujarat, including these crimes.  Shri Vijaybhai will be an indestructible weapon.  State Technology  It is to be brought to the next meeting of the Cabinet. 

 Under IT, Act, 2%, any person who commits a punishable offense or attempts to commit a crime to control the activities of anti-social elements in the State of Gujarat is a person who helps in preventing anti-social activities in Gujarat from the age of 12.  Matter Act (aspect) 18 is applicable. 

 Under the Act, the provisions of the Pasha Act relating to Dugar's activities were such that if a person commits a crime again within three years of being convicted, the offenses under the IPC and the Arms Act were prosecuted.  Shri Vijaybhai Rupani, Chief Minister, Private and Government, has decided to amend the provisions in the state to curb cyber crime in order to curb gambling in the state as well as financial taxation of families due to gambling activity.  Accordingly, the old provision will be repealed in these three years by tightening the aspect and now the aspect will be applied against the perpetrators at any time.

  In addition, the new provisions that have been added to the Rama Pasha Act include Finance (3 o Shift Gujarat, September 38, 2020).

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