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Thursday 22 April 2021

Matter of postponing periodic tests to be taken in the month of April

 Matter of postponing periodic tests to be taken in the month of April 

Matter of postponing periodic tests to be taken in the month of April 

It must be studied, even if it is not the next day of retirement, it must be for the sake of the subject itself, so that the student can give a satisfactory answer whenever and however he asks. Shia Mesha must be a student, that is, one must be curious about one's subject and learning something new. Thus, it can be said that the teacher has a special expectation of the student, the parent and the society as it is a very important factor of the teacher in the context of teaching work. The question is that people with other professions have special expectations, otherwise why do teachers have such high expectations? The reason why the teacher has all the expectations is that the parents entrust their child to the teacher for hours in school with full confidence. Teachers are also considered to have a special responsibility than parents, so the expectations also increase. But also be a constant guide. New expectation is also not the place. How do we expect our role model to be mercury? (Gaya, the student's role model is the reason why his responsibility increases. This is the fourfold pattern of weaving for Shio Ke. This code of conduct applies to all 'mothers' from Shia Kina behavior to dress. The biggest advantage for the teacher is that he always 1) To work with quantity, in other professions work is done with machines or books. Working with students, we live lifelong, "There is a difference between living and surviving. Thus, a society expects to be endowed with all the qualities that are called good or the best. The first expectation is that one should be disciplined. If the personal and national character of a teacher who is an ideological descendant of Chanakya is excellent, he will be able to create disciples like Chandragupta! If the student is weak, it is not only the fault of the student, it is also the fault of his teacher, Shika Kane is called Guru. 

Guru is the great teacher of the world who led from darkness to light, Guru Sandipani of Sri Krishna, Guru Chanakya of Chandragupta, Shivaji Maharaj. Guru Swami Ramdas, Vivekanandaji's Guru Ramakrishna Paramahansa, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar's Guru Keshav Ambedkar are expected to be the Guruvarya society we are becoming. It is also expected to be workable, learner or emotional and sensitive because only if the teacher is sensitive towards his students can he become intimate towards the disciples and also awaken the sense of empathy in Shio.

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